1 Comment

I need NoReply but will be listening for your ideas everywhere. I see what you mean in asking Mr. Hudson for his wider imagination. His idea that we could rekindle manufacturing as a basis for I guess 1 percent growth or whatever percent is the proposal appeals to me. You hear him a right, of course, i hear him talking about breaking even which is my kind of low energy image of economic monads. But because it would take enthusiasm something we could fake to accomplish, i mean at least the reciprocal sympathy of the hundred thousand who came out to throw sand on Chernobyl? From my math illiteracy 2 things: I maintain houses. People in my business all should work with a partner. Or multiple, look at plumbing. Those fellows require an assistant but they say they cannot find the right person. The delusion of independence. Secondly, keep going. It took us cloudy minds one year after hearing about the plea of New York to understand the idea of the 15 dollar mimimum wage. But that and the idea of U B I were just clear under our distorted percepts. Maybe you need a second person to be your anamneusis, you are cogent but the vacuum of our attn makes a noise of its own. Maybe a second set of wetware can help you to make the alternatives to debt service stickier. Thank you you know for waking up this morning w those sensitive senses your grasp of where we daily achieve peace and quiet at a price very few want to pay.

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